Monday, April 28, 2014

Early Literacy Skill 15: Reading Poetry

My husband has started to read poetry out loud to your 19 month-old daughter every night. We do our regular bedtime with practicing the potty, brushing teeth and then getting three picture books for bedtime. Then, he takes her downstairs, puts her in her crib and starts reading poetry aloud. She sits quietly in her crib surrounded by her stuffed animals while he reads a few poems to her. Then he says goodnight, she blows him a kiss and she falls asleep on her own. It all sounds so wonderful and I always want to sneak a look or two, but I know I would disrupt the whole process.

Since we happen to have poetry around the house (we both have our BA in English Lit.), Jason didn't ask me for any suggestions. He was surprised and happy to find out that there are so many poetry books for children at the library. I will add a second blog post for children poetry that he enjoys sharing with our toddler. I just now realized that his reading poetry aloud to our daughter accidentally coincided with National Poetry Month : )

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